Qurban Meat Distribution

In Bangladesh, almost 30% of the households do not own any land and another 30% own only up to half an acre. Such tiny landownership is insufficient to meet the food needs of four to five-member households, whatever advanced technology the farmer use. People who own land largely don’t do farming while people who don’t own land mostly do the job as lessees. Economic disparities, relative opportunity costs, flourishing non-farm sectors have got something to do about this phenomenon.

Yet it is long way to achieve food security for all which is imperative for the country to survive with dignity. Poor people even don’t dare to purchase red meat paying high cost per KGs 560-600 taka while they have to struggle to manage 3 meals a day. Qurban is the best time for those poor people to meet their deficiency of nutrition by enjoying red meat during Qurban. IMI has been working for the poor people since its inception by implementing different occasional and development projects. IMI implemented Qurban program 2020 with the support of MAA International and distributed Qurban meat among 35000 people both for the Bangladeshi poor communities as well as for the Rohingya communities in Bangladesh.

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