Entrepreneurship Program

Under a post-lockdown optimistic scenario, the country’s overall poverty to increase by 25.13per cent, where rural poverty will be 24.23 per cent and urban poverty will be 27.52 per cent. People ran several scenarios – representing successive severity of lockdown – under the “wealth plus labor status” approach. In a scenario where there is an 80% drop in income for labor class in urban areas and 10% drop in income for labor class in rural areas in the “hard lockdown” exercise. If a 25% higher poverty line is considered, then an additional 16% to 20% of population would be in poverty in rural and urban areas. If we update our age-old poverty line accordingly, it will result in a much higher poverty where rural poverty would be 45%, and urban poverty would be 36%. Impact Initiative(IMI) team has the experience of implementing entrepreneurship project and had been implementing since March 2020 from the initial stages of COVID-19 affected in the country. After successful implementation of the project in 2020 IMI authority decided to implement again in 2021.

IMI will support experienced youth to set up enterprises on their concerned trades. IMIwill ensurethey’re on job or theoretical training before start up the business. Moreover, IMI willteach them soft skills so to develop professional behavior and promote marketing on their products. Each and every youth who will receive indentureship support, train up 3 youths through on job training. It will help to make a saleable cluster basis entrepreneurship development followed by market linkage of their product in the locality. It is expected that after six months, 30 entrepreneurs will be fully self- reliant while another 90 youth will be trained up to set up their own enterprises. In this way, altogether 120 youth will be skilled in different trades as well as set up their enterprises to make their family financially self-reliant.

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